Installing on Mac

Download a copy of the latest mac bundle (`MetadataWizard_osx_2.x.x.dmg) from

the releases page.

Once the download is complete, double click on the downloaded .dmg file to begin the installation.


If you get an error relating to unidentified developer software, run the following commands in the Terminal (may require elevated permissions). You may also need to check System Preferences, Security and Privacy as shown here.

Open terminal and run:

  • sudo spctl --master-disable
  • sudo xattr -d /Applications/
  • Open finder and navigate to /Applications and double click MetadataWizard icon. This should open the app (may take a moment).
  • After opening the app successfully, switch settings back to normal by running this code in the terminal: sudo spctl --master-enable

Installation may require elevated (administrative) privileges. After installation the MetadataWizard can be launched from the duck icon (duck) in the user’s applications.